The Paid Leave for All Workers Act (PLAWA)
We won paid leave for Illinois! Get to know your paid leave rights.
On January 1, 2024, the Paid Leave for All Workers Act goes into effect, providing Illinois workers* with up to 5 days of paid time off for ANY reason, like to care for yourself or a family member―including a chosen family member―when sick, to chaperone a field trip, to visit relatives, or to get your car fixed.
Whether you work part time or full time, you are eligible to earn paid leave. You can learn more about the new law here!
*Workers in Chicago and Cook County may have different rights. Download our fact sheet (descargue nuestra hoja informativa en español) to learn more about which rights apply to you.
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Did You Know?
More than 1.5 million workers in Illinois will now have access to paid time off through the Paid Leave for All Workers Act. Nationally, 80 percent of workers who lack paid sick time—which is one reason workers can take time off under the new law—are in low-paid jobs, with the fewest resources to take time unpaid and the greatest need to keep their job to keep their lights on and a roof over their heads.
How It Works.
Under the Paid Leave for All Workers Act, full- and part-time workers are eligible for up to five days off for any reason, including to care for themselves or family members―including chosen family members―when they are sick, for children when schools and daycares close, to recover from domestic violence or sexual assault, and more.
Benefits For All.
The evidence is clear: Paid sick days benefit workers, employers, communities, and our economy. Paid sick days decrease turnover, reduce the spread of disease, and boost consumer spending.
“My husband got sick so I had to take unpaid days off. I took 3 days to take care of him off and on the 4th day my job told me I had to come back in or be fired.”